It’s the Daybreak Games News Bundle! Because it just makes sense to pool smaller stories together, we’re going to outline several little updates made to EverQuest and EverQuest II, PlanetSide 2, and DC Universe Online. Which also means it’s bullet list time!
- First, EQ has kicked off Erollisi Day 2021, which is all outlined in the game’s official wiki. EQII is also ready to celebrate the holiday as the event has officially gone live on Test and is scheduled to arrive to live servers on February 10th.
- In far less lovey-dovey update news, PS2 is having another Outfit Wars playtest starting today and running until Sunday, February 7th. Testing will be broken up in phases over the next few days, starting with today’s enlistment, then moving on to qualifiers, playoffs, and championship rounds for the following three days.
- Circling back around to Valentine’s Day things, DCUO is ready to release Update 110, which will introduce the Valentine’s seasonal event and the Resurgence Mega Capsule. Downtime has already begun and patch notes are expected shortly.