Whether you are a dinosaur tamer, a ruthless pirate, or a dashing superhero, you soon will have another platform to enjoy the antics of Trove. Gamigo parent company Media and Games Invest Group released a report, first noticed by Troveasaurus, that indicates the studio is bringing Trove to the Nintendo Switch some time this year.
“We are planning to release Trove, which is currently available on PC, Xbox and Playstation, on Nintendo Switch this year,” the report said. “As Trove is doing well on Xbox and Playstation, we expect also that it also will do well on Nintendo Switch, which was one of the best-selling consoles in 2019 and 2020 and is played significantly more than Playstation and Xbox by younger gamers, who are Trove’s core target audience.”
The company said that it got a boost to its MMOs from the COVID year on which it would like to capitalize: “With several updates of our key games, we are sustaining the momentum: ArcheAge, Fiesta Online, and Trove had several updates and large DLCs, which also shows that the output of our internal game development is further increasing.”
It also said that the acquisition of Wizard101’s KingsIsle earlier this year offers a lot of “growth potential.” Part of that looks to be console ports of both 101 games, although those are “expected to materialize from 2022 onwards.” MGI said that it acknowledged that KingsIsle’s players want more content and a mobile edition of the game as well, although no specific promises were made in those regards.
And if you were curious, no, the report did not mention RIFT at all.