Despite its name, the Feast of Swords in Final Fantasy XI does not actually allow you to eat any swords. You will be given no opportunities to much on delicious brined sabers, slow-cooked scimitars, or country-fried claymores. If you consequently decide not to take place out of deep protest, your actions will be respected, but it does mean you’ll have to forego the event’s customary battles and associated rewards. It’s your life.
Players who can live with not getting to munch on braised broadsword will instead have their special event shinai enhanced by moogles, reducing their level to 1 and giving them a burst of speed to hunt down armor-stealing brigands. Successfully defeating the thieves will allow you to trade enchanted weapons and receive rewards, including legendary swords. Which admittedly have not been slow-cooked to perfection, but perhaps you’ll still enjoy the event when it kicks off on April 28th.