The final PC testing period for Bless Unleashed offered some technical issues. This is not in and of itself a bad thing; the whole reason for a technical test would be identifying and fixing these technical issues, after all. Still, the team recognizes the issues caused by the sheer number of people logging in at once, and as a result players who took part in the test are being promised additional benefits for bearing with the team during the early technical issues.
Everyone who logged in during the final test will receive a three-day SXP boost ticket, five Elixirs of Haste, and five Memory Gems VI. This is in addition to the already promised reward for final test players, to be released alongside the official full launch of the game. Players are also promised that the technical issues will not be present on the full release, which may be a bit on the hopeful side but does indicate a willingness to learn and improve based on issues. And you can still participate if you want to on Steam just by requesting access.