Clever Redditors caught an interesting snippet from the Xbox Two podcast that portends some intriguing news for MMO players. Back in April, there were rumors floating around that IO Interactive’s next game – Project Dragon – was going to be a Microsoft-backed fantasy RPG that took the studio in a totally new direction. It didn’t sound as if it’d be in our wheelhouse, so we didn’t pay much attention to it.
But during the Xbox Two podcast streamed during E3 this week, the casters discuss the rumors and scuttlebutt in more depth, suggesting that not only is it an MMO, but it’s a big one.
“It’s brand-new,” tech journalist Jez Corden says of the “worst kept-secret ever,” noting he doesn’t think we’ll hear more until 2022 or 2023. “They literally only signed that in like February, I believe. In fact, I think it might’ve been pitched in February and then only signed in like March maybe.”
“I will say that Project Dragon is massively ambitious. It’s a hugely ambitious game. The things they’re trying to do for that game is sort of like – I don’t know, it sounds impossible. Maybe some of this stuff will be scaled back for launch, or maybe it’s just sort of like their North Star, what they’re gunning for right now. Maybe it won’t look anything like what I think it looks like by the time it launches, besides being like a medieval RPG. But from what I understand, this game is like a massive undertaking – basically an MMO, I think, but like a next-gen MMO. Next-gen connected sort of service game. They want to take on the likes of World of Warcraft and stuff with this stuff.”