Consider this my ode to the Guild Wars franchise’s Mesmers. I love everything about them but how they play in practice. I love how they look. I love how their skills look. I love the idea of dancing around with illusions and riddles and light weapons and fancy outfits. But I’ve never loved how they actually play. In Guild Wars 2, I always feel as if I’m working twice as hard for the same effect as my other characters, and in Guild Wars 1, I always felt like a fish out of water, like a PvP character in PvE where I didn’t quite excel. But damn I look good doing it!
In other words, I love the style but not the playstyle.
Obviously, there are bajillions of people who would disagree and who rock their Mesmers – or who might say the exact same thing about, for example, my Holosmith. And that’s exactly the point of today’s Daily Grind! Does a class’ style or playstyle matter more to you in MMOs? Give me your best examples!