At the end of December Embers Adrift promised that the start of January would be full of gameplay previews and a new trailer. The devs at Stormhaven Studios have absolutely kept to their word on that as the game’s official YouTube channel has dropped no less than six new videos on followers’ heads.
Two of the videos in question offer what’s described as “gritty gameplay,” which is just what it sounds like on the tin – alpha gameplay footage of Embers Adrift in action that showcases different weapons, death and respawn mechanics, skill trees, and healing and CC mechanics among other things. For those who are looking for a more condensed peek at gameplay, there’s a four minute-long video on offer as well.
Other videos released include a tips video that shows off the social UI, hotbars, gear repairing, and some of the game’s crafting and gathering professions, while a tutorial video that focuses in on character creation options currently in the alpha build. Finally, there’s the official trailer that offers the usual cinematic leaning look at the MMORPG.