The Stream Team: Starting the signature timeline in EQII’s Visions of Vetrovia

You can lead a Ratonga to Centaurs, but you can’t make them speak! Massively OP’s MJ has traveled to EQII’s new area introduced with Visions of Vetrovia, but none of the natives will acknowledge her, let alone talk to her. To figure out what secrets the expansion might hold, she has to help Captain Douglan Wakerunner first and earn the natives’ trust. Tune in live at 8:00 p.m. as MJ finishes the prereqs and gets started on the signature timeline quests.

What: EverQuest II
Who: MJ Guthrie
When: 8:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, January 4th, 2022

The show is over now, but we’ve embedded it here just for you. Don’t forget to check out our past streams and videos collection, and stay tuned for our next show!

July 2, 2024
  • 8:00pm EDT: Guild Wars 2 - MJ

July 3, 2024
  • 2:00pm EDT: The First Descendant - Chris

  • 8:00pm EDT: SWTOR - Larry & MJ

July 4, 2024
  • 4:00pm EDT: AQ3D - MJ

July 5, 2024
  • 2:00pm EDT: Corepunk - Chris

  • 8:00pm EDT: TGIF - MJ

July 6, 2024
  • 2:00pm EDT: Sandbox Saturday - MJ

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