Are you ready to return to the Northrend of your fathers? Or at least of “you but about 12 years ago?” Beta testing for Wrath Classic is now underway, according to Blizzard Entertainment.
The first round of beta testing for this year’s Classic expansion capped the levels at 76, opened up the Death Knight starter zone, and included the brand-new group finder tool that the studio is including instead of the actual classic LFD system.
Related to this alternative group finder is a shift in the studio’s design philosophy for WoW Classic. Blizzard posted a dev blog explaining why it shifted from #NoChanges to #SomeChanges with this expansion.
The studio outlined three design pillars that serve to defend these changes: nurture and protect social experiences; be approachable and familiar; and the world is the main character. “Each time we consider a change to the Wrath of the Lich King experience, we will keep these pillars in mind,” Blizzard said. “If the change doesn’t serve them, then we won’t make it. But, if the change can strengthen those pillars, we will carefully consider it.”