Players of Black Desert Mobile have a couple of important things to bear in mind for their favorite mobile MMORPG. First off, the Heidel Ball event is coming, making its way live on Saturday, July 2nd, as an all-digital event. Details on what to expect weren’t shared, but if prior Heidel Balls are any indication, there will very likely be some reveals to look forward to.
In the meantime, there’s a new patch available for the game that opens up a revamped version of Nightmare content called Twisted Nightmare, which now will bring an instanced PvPvE battlefield for players to fight in for Nightmare Fragments that translate into extra rewards. This new instance will also be where players can face off against Nightmare Turaka, whose defeat will close the rift and grant even more goodies.
The update has also introduced the Navarn Steppe, a vast grasslands area with new monsters to hunt and a new boss monster known as Ahib’s Griffon. This new beastie is available to chase down every Friday, with rewards that increase the more damage a character does to it. The patch has also kicked off Heidel Ball celebratory events, added a new UI element that indicates what kind of guard or super armor is being engaged by players in PvP, and made a number of other general fixes.