Perhaps you thought it was curious — or even exciting — to see Blizzard flagging World of Warcraft’s crafting for a huge update with the upcoming Dragonflight. It doesn’t quite seem like a tentpole feature for an expansion, but considering how neglected the system’s been, perhaps it was high time for an adjustment.
In a new dev blog, the studio walks players through the “new and updated” profession system coming later this year. Blizzard said that it split its focus between three main areas: crafting orders, profession specializations, and crafting and gathering with quality.
With the update, crafted goods will now be assigned one of five tiers of quality, with higher tiers delivering better item levels but being much more difficult to create. Another change is that the game will unlock all recipes for a profession when the player is halfway through the skilling process rather than at the end.
In particular, crafting orders seem like a solid way to boost the overall economy of the MMO: “This will be a great new way for you to earn gold, increase your skill, and most importantly, help craft for your friends and guildmates. If you focus on quality and customer service, you might even build up your own following of customers and lock in steady business.”