If you want to find a particular item you have somewhere in your inventory in Black Desert it can be a somewhat arduous task. To address this problem, the developers have added a new Find My Item search that lets you scour deep within your family’s storage, inventories, equipped items, and so forth to locate wherever that one dang thing you’re looking for is. Now you won’t have to sit there logging between characters and muttering, “I know someone had those freaking boots,” until you finally find them.
You might still be muttering about what those boots were called, though. There are limits to what searches can do.
The latest patch also brings in a number of changes to the Hashashin to strengthen his Succession in PvP. In broad strokes this means boosts to his sand tornadoes, improvements to his defensive abilities, and generally adjust his damage output and defensive abilities. The game is also starting up an event for hunting dragons in anticipation of the dragon-based season starting on July 27th, so get ready to drill in and start fighting some dragons. There are even new cosmetic items to earn from the Black Spirit! Lots of nice things to work toward.