Dark. Darkity dark dark. Darkness. It’s what the devs of Diablo IV have crowed about before, and it’s the subject of discussion once again in a quick video piece from IGN that’s all about the darkness in the game in terms of setting and lack of lighting.
The video has general manager Rob Fergusson and director Joe Shely lounging on a couch and talking up the upcoming ARPG’s inherent hatred of color and light. The devs once more talk up D2 as the pinnacle of the series and the touchstone they hope to meet with D4 while also lauding its lighting system that makes darkness and shadows extra dark and shadowy. The devs at one point further call out how darker tones in terms of setting are now mainstream, meaning D4 can make itself nice and grim.
Though the devs do try to bring up how the team is trying to innovate in terms of its open world and amount of player customization, much of the video really wants this game to be hearkening back to the past with all of the darrrrrrrrk.