It’s not too often that regular players of Destiny 2 would be surprised when events kick off in the looter shooter, but just in case there are some who missed the memo, yesterday saw the Guardian Games event return to cap out the current Season of Defiance and bring on extra goodies and activities for the next three weeks.
From now until May 23rd, players will earn medallions from doing their usual PvE and PvP activities while wearing an event-specific item, including taking part in event-specific playlists for PvP and PvE players. Once medallions are earned, players can ram them into a pedestal to bring their chosen class’ flag to the top of the flagpole first.
Banking medallions will offer up cosmetic rewards like shaders, emotes, and vehicles, as well as rolls on the new Title SMG or Taraxippos scout rifle weapons. Players can earn more medallions by clearing challenges and bounties from Eva and gather additional rewards by completing tasks from a special event card.
In addition to the in-game event, Bungie is also hosting another Guardian Games Cup that lets registered fireteams compete in two categories: technical, which tracks the number of medallions the team banks during the event, and charitable, which tracks money raised to benefit Direct Relief and the International Rescue Committee. The top fireteams from each category can earn prizes like custom artwork, a physical pendant, Bungie Store credit, and an emblem.