Announced last fall, Ashfall raised some curious eyebrows with its post-apocalyptic “adventure shooter MMORPG” format. We’ve only heard a little bit about it since then, with developer Legendary Studios speaking to puzzle-solving and crafting as game elements, but soon we might get to see it for ourselves.
That’s because Ashfall is now targeting July for a closed beta test. Pre-registrations for the CBT is up, although you might want to be careful about submitting to it, as it asks for some pretty personal information: “You understand and expressly agree that GameStation may collect your email address, cell phone number and Discord ID, solely for the purpose of informing you the arrangement for the game test and the transfer of cash gifts.” Wait, cash gifts? Yeah, we have no idea either.
To go along with the closed beta announcement, the studio put out a new trailer that should give you some flavor of this game world: