Still waiting and twiddling your thumbs for the day that Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen releases? We get you. Unfortunately, with the game still in pre-alpha testing, it sounds like it’s a ways off from prime time. But what does pre-alpha even mean?
That’s the question that Visionary Realms attempted to answer with a recent blog post, saying, “Every time the development team adds content or makes a change, this has to be tested [..] As more features go into the game, more testing will need to occur, which is why we have the pre-alpha –> alpha –> beta process. Each point in testing brings the game closer to launch.”
The studio said that the latest round of pre-alpha testing focused on performance and crafting.
A small consolation prize for being left out of this testing is that Visionary Realms posted an illustrated account of an all-Monk group attempting content in Pantheon. If nothing else, you can gawk at the screenshots to get a feel for the potential of this MMO.