Those darn Valdhertz Crypts! No one in Guild Wars 2 likes them! That’s why people were kinda miffed about having Valdhertz Crypts (and other mini-dungeons) show up as an objective over the past week for the Wizard’s Vault objectives – essentially, the new daily/weekly/monthly achievement system introduced with Secrets of the Obscure.
But fortunately, ArenaNet agrees that this was not quite according to plan and has removed Valdhertz Crypts from the potential daily objectives. This has also reset objectives and potentially given players a second chance to complete dailies, although completing the right number will not give you a second daily chest. Sorry.
According to the studio, the move ties into a larger plan to add an additional daily objective to the list of possible clears every day. That doesn’t mean adding an additional requirement to daily clears, however; players will still need to clear four per day, but they’ll have a broader pool to choose between. It’s not quite here yet, but keep your eyes peeled for when that particular update arrives on September 12th.