Now that Overwatch 2 has arguably thrown the PvE monkey off of its back, the devs behind the shooter can get back to focusing on its competitive PvP players, or at least so it seems gauging the focal point of the latest letter from director Aaron Keller, who talks up several upcoming tweaks to address pain points among competitive players.
Most of the changes due for competitive play are leaning towards quality-of-life and read like they’re coming sometime early next year, like more transparency about player rank gains or losses, a long-term goal of providing a more “granular experience” in climbing other ranks, and a focus on issues unique to those in the top 500 leaderboard, such as longer queue times, more difficulty in finding fair matches, and problems with grouping with friends.
In the short-term, Keller promises further focus on adjusting Illari for the next season, a closer look at tuning Roadhog’s “underperformance” for a mid-season update in Season 7, and a closer look at how MMR decay is treated.