It feels safe enough to say that Throne & Liberty has not precisely lit the world on fire yet, especially with some less-than-enthusiastic reception to its various reveals. But what else can you do with a game but reveal more about it? That’s what producer Ahn Jong-ok is promising to do on November 2nd with a showcase of the content players can expect from the game at launch. In fact, an early trailer released alongside that promise today shows off a large number of fights against big things that are being swarmed by players.
The letter itself is in Korean, which means that any automatic translation is going to miss some nuance, but Ahn outright says that he does not expect his letters to the community to shield NCsoft from criticism. Rather, he says he hopes to show prospective players what the game is made out of and what the reasons are for being excited. Whether the teaser trailer below gets you excited or the prospect exists for the larger trailer to do so remains to be seen on November 2nd.