It’s like Alpha One but with seconds, or at least a number two beside it: Intrepid Studios announced near the end of its most recent livestream that Ashes of Creation’s Alpha Two is targeting a release in the third quarter of 2024.
Creative director Steven Sharif notes that this build is once again meant as a test bed and not a complete gameplay experience, and he further warns that the projection could be held back if current alpha tests require a delay, but he also says this next phase will be how the studio validates all of the systems that have been built. All that is to say to bear several caveats in mind before spending between $250 and $375 to get access.
One of the big ticket features of Alpha Two is an updated Ranger archetype; the stream showcases several abilities and traps, grants a look at the effects of its skill tree, and explains the class’ debuffing mark abilities and self-buffing hunt abilities. During the livestream Sharif also discussed the Ranger’s utility skills, how melee classes can best counter the Ranger in PvP (while reiterating PvP is balanced around group fights as opposed to 1v1), and some other discussion about Intrepid’s balancing mindset. Both the full livestream and the Ranger preview await below.