If you happen to be on one of the merging servers in Lost Ark’s US West region, you probably have a bit of time on your hands right now, owing to the fact that your servers have been down all day and will continue to be.
“Due to the amount of data being merged, the downtime for this region has been extended to up to 27 hours from its original start time,” Amazon announced this afternoon. “All other regions are still on track to finish merges within the originally announced timeframe.” The good news there is that affected players are getting a pile of compensatory items.
In the meanwhile, you can at least go feast your eyes on the game’s latest content teaser: The Breaker advanced class is launching a week from today on March 20th.
“This is the class to pick if you want to walk up to an enemy’s face and start walloping,” the studio’s influencer-written dev blog says. “We have Gunlancer and Destroyer, and those are the big burly guys who stand toe-to-toe with the boss and never yield. But if you want the Muhammad Ali, ‘float like a butterfly sting like a bee’, this is the pick-up. This is the class fantasy of a true brawler.”