Final Fantasy XIV posts updates regarding Aether data center login queues and Xbox bugs


This past weekend was an obviously busy one for Final Fantasy XIV, as the pre-order early access for Dawntrail continued on, which has seen a pretty specific strain on servers on the North American Aether data center that in turn has brought Square-Enix’s Creative Studio III out to keep players informed and offer suggestions.

This past Saturday and Sunday both saw login queues reaching high enough numbers that at one point logins were outright failing. The studio has suggested to players three different times to utilize the option to visit the Dynamis data center in order to ease their queue times, though instructions are clear to use the “visit another data center” feature and not “visit another world server” – a refrain repeated enough that it’s turning into its own meme.

Meanwhile, players on the Xbox version of the MMORPG have been experiencing some issues of their own, prompting producer/director Naoki Yoshida to address players on the platform directly with an update. One of the biggest bugs is related to the Xbox version freezing up when transitioning to different areas, which appears to be caused by memory fragmentation. Yoshida assures fans that the team is putting together a patch to solve the issue as early as possible, but also asks for some patience in order for it to pass QA muster.

Other problems on the Xbox version such as encounter mechanics not working as intended and animation weirdness for certain emotes and a specific skill were brought up: On the former point, a client side patch is in the works to fix the problem, while there’s no ETA on the latter, though Yoshida assures all of the problems are a high-priority matter.

sources: Twitter (1, 2), official site
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