DC Universe Online’s Brainiac Returns Aftershock is set to go live today

Hey hey DC Universe Online fans, Daybreak is packing a punch with its update today. “We’re expanding the world of the latest Episode expansion for DC Universe Online tomorrow [today] with a massive update,” the studio says, “so massive, in fact, that it has [its] own name. Welcome to Brainiac Returns: Aftershock.”

“Brainiac’s Sub-Avatar has been seen outside of the Hall of Justice. Send it back to him in small, broken pieces! Alongside this new boss encounter at the Hall of Justice, a new Weekly Mission has been added and several new feats you can earn related to this fight!”

Players can expect a new themed accessory and minipet at the episodde vendor, new feats, a new artifact, and a ton of new influence boss drops. Oh, and now Where is my mind? is going to run through your head like it’s the ’90s all over again, even though it’s actually from the ’80s. Daybreak knew what it was doin’.

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