If you remember back when World of Warcraft: Cataclysm was a new thing, perhaps you remember the Rise of the Zandalari as a fun throwback to a couple of expansions earlier. Now, of course, WoW Classic is a throwback to prior days anyway, which makes the Rise of the Zandalari update a throwback within a throwback. This is some Inception levels of recursion, in other words. But if you have the option to get special mounts, why wouldn’t you take that option? Of course you’ll take it. There are new mounts you can earn.
As with the original update, both Zul’aman and Zul’gurub are now level 85 Heroic dungeons with rewards tuned for clearing content at the current endgame, and there are new quests to help explore the changes within leadership that have led to the Zandalari forging new bonds with the Troll leadership in Zul’aman particularly. You’ve got a little while to prepare for the dungeons, as the patch lands on July 30th for all players, but there’s a chance to play with the developers today starting at 4:00 p.m. EDT.