After a highlight of one of its spaceship concept artists last week, this week’s episode of Star Citizen’s video series is back to previewing alpha 4.0’s Pyro system, this time with a focused look at the factions and more PvP activity.
The video mostly calls attention to the two primary groups that players can align themselves with when they arrive in Pyro: the Headhunters or the Citizens of Prosperity, each of which features its own unique style of weapons and armor as well as different missions and objectives players can take on to undermine the opposing side. Pyro will also play host to the Xenothreat faction, which is a shared enemy across both sides that occupies most of the Pyro system’s planets and moons and holds two major strongholds that players can fight through – and fight over.
Being a lawless system, PvP combat is also a main throughline in the video, with confirmation of players being able to get into open firefights at practically any time in places that would otherwise be safe such as certain outpost social spots or in shopping hubs. To accommodate that inevitability, the devs made sure that there’s plenty of cover for players to hide behind should things come to FFA blows.
Finally, there’s a portion of the video that confirms how AI enemy archetypes will be present in Pyro, with various types of NPC behaviors and equipment loadouts that include heavily-armed pushers, snipers, and lightly armored but fast-moving strikers with SMGs.