World of Warcraft temporarily disables unspecified new content in The War Within because of bugs


If you’ve ever asked, “What’s the worst that can happen without a fully staffed QA team?” It seems that the travails of World of Warcraft: The War Within are attempting to answer that question. As of today, Blizzard has taken “new content” unlocked today offline temporarily in order to fix a bug. What content? What bug? Neither of these questions is addressed in any way in the official post, leading players to simply speculate.

Fortunately, not much speculation is needed, as today saw the launch of the final step of the expansion’s campaign quests which allow unlocking of the Earthen allied race. Players who had already taken part in the quest noted that portions were not operating correctly, and the cutscene that’s meant to play at the end was bugged, so it’s easy to understand why this was removed for now. However, that doesn’t really explain the vagueness in the announcement, nor has it mollified the players in the thread who are understandably miffed that another bug has surfaced even after the expansion time-gated access behind a higher price tag.

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