“Star Wars Galaxies is not dead,” says rogue server SWG Legends. “It is here and now, filled with our friends, family, and the fun of living in a galaxy that is not far away but here at our fingertips.” So begins the game’s latest community transmission, which hastens to recap the recent SOEclipse celebration – the precise moment when SWG Legends lived longer than the original game – and how the in-game event shattered every imaginable record for the MMO. We covered it in-depth right here.
But if you lived through all that, you’re now looking ahead to what comes next, and the blog has that too:
- A new housing packup event is apparently en route in the near future; as always, players will be able to sweep the game world and target abandoned buildings (flagged based on the owner’s last login) for packup. Don’t worry; your houses go into your datapad, not the dumpster.
- The Galactic Moon Festival – aka Halloween – is on deck for October.
- There’s a tease about how “droids have gotten free from their restraining bolts” and appear to be shooting and riding a BARC speeder, plus a tease about commands. Really, droid engineering can use all the help it can get, but we’re not getting specifics yet.
- The team is promising continuing expansion for Jabba’s Palace thanks to “new tools and techniques” that generate “efficiencies in creating new structures” for content.
- Jedi Themepark part II is now in QA testing, plus the devs are still working on multi-faction ground battlegrounds, world bosses, client performance upgrades, and the long list of player senate requests.
And in the Q&A section, the devs seem to be saying that new ship schematics will be used to “incentivize space combat” rather than be given to shipwrights for crafting, which is definitely a bummer since that’s pretty far from the original intent of the game’s design (not to mention, not a mutually exclusive concept). Awww.