LOTRO previews Legacy of Morgoth’s Imhûlar while DDO tests its new 64-bit server


Dungeons and Dragons Online’s new 64-bit server looks to be coming to the game sooner rather than later, if Standing Stone Games’ testing schedule is any indication. The studio said that it’s going to run a 24-hour test of the hardware on Monday, September 30th, through Tuesday, October 1st.

“During this special preview we’ll be asking as many players as possible to log onto the 64-bit server to engage in heavy performance activities such as raids, so that we can gather important diagnostics data about the new hardware,” said SSG. “Access to this server will happen through the normal Lamannia game launcher.”

Meanwhile over in DDO’s sister game, Lord of the Rings Online continued its zone tour previews of this fall’s Legacy of Morgoth expansion. Matt Elliott took fans through the third of four regions with this week’s tour of Imhûlar:

Source: YouTube, DDO. Thanks Mick!
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