Daybreak’s MMO Extra Life teams combine to raise over $150K for children’s hospitals


We would venture to say that a story to restore a little faith in humanity is probably necessary for a lot of folks right now, so we turn our attention once again to the charitable efforts of MMOs for Extra Life, specifically some recent fundraising made by Daybreak’s slate of games, which collectively helped to bring in over $150K for charity.

The biggest addition to that pot comes from sub-studio Darkpaw Games, which has so far brought in over $125K and unlocked lots of bonus week benefits for EverQuest and EverQuest II players including earnings boosts, increased collection spawns, and doubled loot drops. These boons last from now until November 12th.

Meanwhile, the drive from DCUO brought in over $11K and subsequently unlocked a suite of cosmetics for players to reward player generosity. These figures combined with PlanetSide 2’s $14K raised since July get us to that feel-good total of $150K. Good work, Daybreak fans.

sources: Extra Life (1, 2, 3), EverQuest site, EverQuest II site, DCUO site
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