You know, I am generally not the kind of person who goes for heavy mage-y things in MMOs, and that usually includes alchemy. I’d rather cook food than pots. In fact, in all the long years I played World of Warcraft, I never had an alchemist of my own; I swapped the crafts I did make for potions, which I’m sure I promptly forgot to use.
But there’s one exception to my neutrality on alchemy, and it’s in Ultima Online, of all places. I finally built my own alchemist when the game added gardening a thousand years ago, and once I had her, I took advantage of the skill on a hilarious template: Yes, a character with alchemy actually got a huge bonus when using poison and explosion portions, so I ran a mad bomber character. It worked pretty well back then, too!
So clearly, I like alchemy – it just has to bring something new to the table. Which MMORPG has the most interesting alchemy system? The more obscure, the better! Who’s made potions fun? And where are my fellow alchemists?
(It’s Fractured’s revamped alchemy system shown in the pic above; it was the inspiration for this topic!)