This week, WoW Classic activated another set of “fresh start” servers — something that it’s been doing pretty much annually since 2019. Yet even with the routine and familiarity of the event, a good subset of the playerbase (myself included!) got ridiculously excited about the prospect of going again.
So what is the allure of fresh start servers in MMORPGs? Are they cheap gimmicks, nostalgia bait, or something more? While they’re not for everyone, these brand-new shards offer quite a lot to those looking for a certain experience. Let’s examine 10 reasons why fresh start servers are alluring!
The “new car smell” of a blank server
Even if the actual content is overly familiar to the player, a new server hits different — at least for the first few weeks. Yes, there are diminishing returns on the “new car smell” of a fresh start server, but for that period where it’s still noticeable, it’s a heady concoction of nostalgia, possibilities, and a clean slate that’s unmarred by prior history.
Getting in on the ground floor with everyone else
While you can always jump on any ol’ MMO server to make a new character, it’s only with a fresh start (or an MMO launch) where you get to begin alongside an entire community that’s also beginning. Nobody likes coming to a party decades after the fact, so if there’s an opportunity to hop on board a game when a huge rush of old and new players are also joining, it’s a no-brainer to do so.
Revisiting favorite eras from the past
When a fresh start server throws the game back in time for some progression-style advancement or simply forces you to start over in the stomping grounds of your youth, there’s something to be said for having that chance to revisit a past era of the MMO. Oftentimes, the base game was brilliantly designed yet left in the dust with the release of numerous expansions, so it’s great to refocus on this core experience.
Resetting the economy
Older servers not only have a bulk of the playerbase at endgame farming raids, but their economies are also skewed and grossly inflated. A fresh start server nukes any preset economy and allows the incoming crowd to engage in the process of shaping it — from early game trading to late game markets.
An opportunity to reinvent yourself
Absolutely bored of who you are or used to be back on your old server? “Fresh start” doesn’t only refer to the hardware; it can be for you as well! You can build your character in a bold new or weird way with absolutely no safety net of cheese gear and borrowed cash, earning your way in this new frontier. And you might even be able to grab that name you always wanted but someone else camped!
The formation of new guilds and meeting new friends
As the beacon is lit for a new server, players from all across the globe assemble to investigate. You know what that means? Lots of new faces, guilds, and chances to make friends. The launch period of these servers are such social times, too, as everyone has something in common to discuss.
Better rulesets and QOL changes
New servers don’t only present tantalizing opportunities to gamers; they also are a chance for studios to course-correct its past mistakes and try out new ideas. It’s the perfect time to implement a different ruleset or toss in some much-needed quality-of-life improvements, and that ends up being a win-win for many.
Catapulting the MMO back into the spotlight
It’s undeniable that a fresh start server gets attention. And while it may be a temporary phenomenon, such a launch serves as publicity for the game as a whole. It reminds the larger community that this MMO exists and reignites interest in hearts that have wandered.
Expanding into different regions or languages
Additionally, a new server doesn’t have to come out in the same-old place. In the past year or so, SWTOR released an Oceanic server and LOTRO a European one, and both of those were praised for catering to the needs of specific regions. It could even be that through a new server, an MMO gets launched in a country that never had it before.
Drawing in fresh blood to keep a game healthy
Finally, MMOs live and die on their population (and attached revenue). While there is usually the faithful core, an MMO needs a continual intake of additional players to offset those leaving, otherwise a title will end up withering. A fresh start server done right can be a huge boon to the overall population of a title and introduce it to people who’ve never experienced it before.