Its long-term future still in limbo, PlanetSide 2 is actually getting a small Lunar New Year promo update today

Lots of people, sure, why not.

The PlanetSide 2 community was naturally in a panic last weekend following the Friday evening revelation that EG7 is planning to close down Toadman Interactive, the EG7 substudio to which Daybreak had transferred PS2 game development (though not, apparently, publishing) last year following the sale of the PlanetSide IP. Well, pack that panic back up, boys, because apparently the updates will continue until morale… stops collapsing? Wait.

In any case, today’s update is a small one that turns off Christmas, reintroduces old and new Lunar New Year bundles for F2P and sub players, allows colored flame cosmetics on the NS-D Helios, adds the NS-T Skeleton Key power knife, and fixes some assorted bugs and crashes.

Still, it’s something, though we’re still not sure who exactly is doing the updates and whether they will keep coming. Has Daybreak taken back over? Are the Toadman contractors EG7 retained to work on Daybreak projects going to keep doing that indefinitely? Who exactly is working on the game? What about the 2025 roadmap we just got? What about the US server merge? Hey guys what’s going on, can somebody over there please communicate to press or players?

Honestly, this dude is talking about PS2, but I think he speaks for the whole MMORPG genre right now.

At least you’re not stuck with Christmas on forever in maintenance mode, I guess. Anyhow, servers should be back online with the update around 1 p.m. EST today if all goes to plan… if there is a plan.

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