New year, new Eye on Arkesia coming out of Amazon and Smilegate’s Lost Ark, as Community Manager Roxx is back with a brief look at what fans can expect in the near future. And we do mean “near” future as the next patch is dropping on January 22nd.
“This update is going to include Brelshaza Kazeros raid act 2 and the beginning of the third anniversary event ahead of the game’s actual anniversary date in February,” she says. The raid introduces two new systems: the Karma system and Frontier system.
“The Karma system is a new progression system that will allow users to earn combat stats and arc passive-related effects by progressing their karma. […] The second of these systems is the Frontier systems; when the Frontier system is applied, raid difficulty (things like damage and HP) will decrease for raid bosses as time goes on. This means that those clearing brand-new content for the first time can enjoy a similar difficulty to the releases in Korea and others can enjoy kind of an easier version as time passes.”
Roxx also touches on the upcoming anniversary, tier 4 bracelets, and some sort of replacement for the Mokoko boot camp event. Either way, February looks to be the big month for updates for the western version of the game.