Past Fate showcases updates to combat, performance, and game world features in new video

Yep. All right. Super.

It seems to us that most times, Past Fate puts out patch notes that talk up development updates made as the sandbox MMO moves through closed alpha testing without too many visuals to share. But this time around, Icy North Games has a video update to share in order to best demonstrate some of the adjustments that have been made to the game recently.

One of the first highlights brought up in the video is a change to combat animations and blocking, which should end up making combat smoother and open up opportunities to retaliate after a successful block respectively. Combat stamina is also a pretty important factor in fights, as losing stamina will leave characters open to more damage. Items have also been adjusted around the game’s updated combat model.

The game’s world was also another focus of the video, with the addition of more gatherable items, plans to add even more POIs, and several performance improvements to make sure the game runs better. The devs also talk up character model improvements (including jiggle physics, huzzah), additional movement animations, the removal of fast travel portals in favor of upcoming mounts, and a slot to hold a light source. Take a peek below to get a taste of where things are currently, just don’t expect a timeline for early access launch.

source: YouTube
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