Overwatch 2 preps seasonal events, starts new 6v6 experimental team comp, and will rerun the ‘moth meta’


If you’re a veteran Overwatch player, the words “moth meta” likely mean something entirely different to you than others; while some people probably envision Mercy bonking her face into a street lamp while looking confused, others recall a time when the character was able to constantly flit around the map and instantly revive teammates with near-impunity.

If those times in the shooter sound like fun or if you’re pining for those moth fjords, then OW2’s mid-season patch has you covered as the moth meta is making a temporary comeback: From February 4th to the 17th, Overwatch Classic will bring back the powered-up Mercy meta along with a more DPS-focused Doomfist and a shield generator-producing Symmetra. The temporary mode will also offer rewards for completing special challenges.

February 4th is also going to be the time of love in the team shooter as the Love of Geometry Valentine’s Day event will make a return until the 18th. This team deathmatch mode will pit four Cupid-styled Hanzos against one another in a race to determine who’s better at firing a bow and landing bounce shots off of walls.

In terms of more immediate updates this week, the shooter’s 6v6 experimental mode has introduced a min one max three mode, which requires teams to have at least one hero from all three roles but no more than three heroes from any given role. Character selection is first-come first-served, but characters can be swapped out mid-match at spawn.

This week also brings on the return of the hide-and-seek styled Mischief & Magic game mode to mark the Lunar New Year, with challenges to complete in order to unlock Year of the Snake-styled cosmetics. The event is on from now until February 3rd.

source: official site (1, 2)
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