Elder Scrolls Legends has officially sunsetted after years of lingering in maintenance mode


Back in November, we covered the sad news that multiplayer CCG Elder Scrolls Legends was truly doomed. After siloing the game off under a new reboot studio, abandoning promised content rollouts, and then pushing the game into a messy maintenance mode all the way back in 2019, Bethsoft and Sparkypants announced last November (via a game popup) that the game would sunset on January 30th. That was yesterday, as of 10 a.m. EST on Thursday, the sunset is complete.

The game’s Reddit has been reminiscing for three months now, but the farewells really exploded yesterday, which has to make you wonder why it wasn’t worth Microsoft to keep a major franchise CCG online.

“As much as I will be sad to see it end, at the same time I am still impressed that it could still go on for 5 years without an update that it gave me an impression that this game’s servers will still last several more years,” one player wrote.

Other players put together one last tournament this past weekend. As MMO players who’ve seen dozens of MMOs shut down, we can think of a few other ways that TESL players could channel that righteous energy…

Alas, the game ended not with a bang, but with a HTTPError
byu/Hazash_ inelderscrollslegends

Source: Reddit
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