Bossa Studios’ multiplayer PvE airship sandbox Lost Skies launches its demo on Steam ahead of schedule


Last month, Bossa Studios promised that the demo for its airship-centric survival sandbox Lost Skies would release its demo as part of Steam Next Fest beginning Monday, February 24th. It would appear that the developer wasn’t keen on waiting for next week, as it has gone ahead and released its demo now.

“Three years (and then some) have led to this moment,” reads a Discord announcement. “If you’ve been following along, you know how much this means, not just to us as developers, but to this incredible community. And now, finally, you get to take to the skies and experience it for yourself.”

Regular readers know that we’ve been following the development of Lost Skies for a long while, particularly as the game sprang forth from the ashes of Bossa’s PvP MMO sandbox Worlds Adrift. Most of the game’s development has been shared in numerous dev blogs, with its only truly playable piece arriving at the end of last year when its island creator tool was released.

Content in the demo isn’t elaborated on, but Bossa does confirm that this will feature single player and co-op multiplayer. It’s also not clear whether this demo will remain available after February’s Next Fest. One way or the other, a wider first taste of this developing game is now officially on offer.

source: Discord
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