Lost Ark deep-dives next week’s Wildsoul class, claws back extra relic books from players

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We have an unfortunate piece of information to share with our readers today: There are too many animals, and Lost Ark’s Wildsoul is thus limited to shapechanging into only two of them. Granted, the two animals she can shift into are a nine-tailed fox and a bear, so those are pretty good picks, but if you were hoping for her having options to turn into a pangolin, a giraffe, an antelope, an anteater, or a ball python you will be disappointed. There are only so many different options available to her.

Of course, considering that her abilities are also borne of the Yoz tribe and the animal spirits bound into her scrolls, we can say it makes a fair amount of sense. After all, her other abilities include doing things like summoning foxfire and using beasts for magical attacks, so the limitations in her transformation make a certain amount of sense.

If you’re still willing to get on-board for the animal ride despite not having the option of turning into a wallaby, echidna, platypus, kangaroo, or dingo, you can check out the full rundown of the class on the official site – and get ready to see it live in person with next week’s patch.

In other Lost Ark news, Amazon is clawing back extra relic engraving books that it set to drop more frequently than it meant to over the last five months. Players did nothing wrong, but they’re being penalized anyway. If you’ve already used the books, they’re clawing back something of equivalent value. We realize Amazon says it’s looking out for the economy here, but we have to wonder whether the economy won’t be much more impacted when these kinds of clawbacks push people to quit the game.

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