Throne & Liberty’s Wilds of Talandre expansion expands more today with the addition of Nebula Island


When Throne & Liberty’s Wilds of Talandre launched last week, it did so with a new zone – but without one of the key PvP pillars for the expansion. Now, as of today, Nebula Island is fully live in the game, giving PvP fans some fresh content… if they’re willing to take the risk.

“Nebula Island is a new interserver activity accessible to level 55 players through the Secret Dungeons’ Lawless Wilds tab,” Amazon says. “Players can spend up to 5 hours per week there, with additional time available through Nebula Charge Stones. The island consists of a central village and six distinct regions, including one peaceful zone and four war zones where PvP is always enabled. Players can access various hunting grounds through portals in the central village and collect Lesser and Greater Nebula Stones to exchange for items. The island features hourly events and periodic field boss battles with limited participation capacity.”

Additional Talandre content held back until this week includes the new artifact system that goes hand in hand with the island, as well as the new solo dungeon bosses and three-star dungeons – and the raid system that allows parties to join each other.

Servers went offline at 1:30 a.m. EDT this morning and were expected back at 9 a.m. – just as this post goes live.

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