VR MMORPG Ilysia revamps its early levels, improves skills, and adds new crafting professions


Back in the middle of last January, early access VR MMORPG Ilysia announced that it was beginning public testing of its “biggest update ever” without immediately sharing all of its details until its later dev streams. Now all players can get their hands on this large scale update, which is known as Tides of Corruption.

This patch does indeed appear to be a mighty one: The first 10 levels of the game have been completely overhauled with new quests, items, story beats, and a new dungeon at the end; combat mechanics including functional pets, a new spell targeting system, and improved healing skills have been added; new gathering and crafting professions including mining, smithing, and cooking are available; and multiple quality-of-life updates were added such as more stable airship travel, multiple UI improvements, and an in-game mail system.

The update lands as Ilysia is among the MMOs taking part in the Steam spring sale, so if you’ve been on the fence over this game, perhaps this patch is what will push you into the game.

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