NetEase is slapping the wrists of nearly 12,000 WoW China cheaters – but it did name-and-shame most of them first


Veteran MMORPG players might recall that last year, Blizzard and NetEase renewed their once-broken partnership to run World of Warcraft (and some of Blizzard’s other multiplayer titles) in China, and the WoW relaunch did indeed happen last summer. But apparently, not everyone returned to those servers with wholesomeness in their hearts.

As Wowhead first reported, the Chinese playerbase has apparently been busy exploiting a wide range of buffs and PvP loopholes over that time period – and now the Chinese dev team is cracking down. Earlier this week, NetEase pulled out its “disappointed dad” voice and announced that it has taken bare-minimum action on the accounts of roughly 12,000 players. Around 9000 of them will lose their Tempered Hero titles and/or see their accounts frozen (temporarily, we assume) for exploiting bugs or riding the coattails of those who exploited to complete specific dungeons; another 3000 saw their PvP honor revoked or frozen as a result of cheating in PvP.

The best part is that NetEase then names all 8,992 PvE cheaters. The list goes on for miles, and Google’s bumbling attempt to translate all these names with their servers is hilarious. “European ** bubble Phoenix God,” “Meow Deathwing,” “I’m a car Eco-boat,” “Our *** The Barrens,” “Afraid of hair Phoenix God,” “I’m fucked Silver Hand,” “Stinky day Icewind Post,” “What the hell are you doing? Endless Sea,” “Flying noodles Shadow of Sorrow.” Wait that last one is fun. How many servers, you might wonder? I stopped counting at 97, so it’s probably many more than that – but a lot of the cheaters come from the same servers over and over, with Phoenix God, Silver Hand, and Burning Blade together making up nearly a quarter of affected characters all by themselves. Unfortunately, they’ll all be back in-game, but now you’ll know exactly who they are.

Source: WoW China via Wowhead
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