Are you Harry Potter? Are you also a Dovahkiin? Then you’re probably already deep into Citadel: Forged With Fire, early access be damned. The good news for you is that Blue Isle is actively working on the game, in spite of the fact that it could just as well be rolling around in piles of your money right now. As we reported Monday, the studio is following up its patch from earlier this week with another one today.
The highlights are the addition of infernal dragons (maybe or maybe not ridable, good luck figuring it out!), skeleton warrior enemies, and wild boar NPCs. Bacon! Blue Isle also says it’s shoring up the game’s backend to improve performance (up to “ten times better” stability on high-pop servers), tweaked spell cooldowns and range, and fixed the telekinesis issues.
“After listening to your feedback and commentary it has become obvious to us that our current implementation of Telekinesis needed a little rethinking,” writes the studio. “We wanted to ensure it would not become a tool for griefing, but clearly that did not end up being the case. To those that lost their hard work to the spell, we do sincerely apologize.
Instead of just turning off telekinesis in structures, it’ll just be disabled in PvE structures and rendered unusable “on any structure that has been claimed by a throne.”
Expect the company to stream the update live at 4 p.m. EDT today on Twitch.
Did you miss our stream of the game yesterday? We’ve included it below!