So a bit of good news: Shroud of the Avatar has added some new Adventure scenes with Release 93. The bad news: This content is only offered to those who bought early access to Episode 2 content once again, so unless you’re among those invested in the game to the point that you’re buying early access for a developing MMORPG, there might not be too much here for you.
For those who are Episode 2 access holders, there’s the icy realm of Jotungrund to explore with massive frost giants to take on and various rewards to collect like new weapons, a new artifact, and giant-sized decorations; and the dense forest of Bandits’ Run, which promises bandit hideouts to uncover, quests to take on, and plenty of treasure to find including four of the 12 new potion recipes currently in the game.
There are things for regular players of SOTA as well, such as regular agriculture plants now offering a chance to drop a decorative version, the aforementioned 12 new potions, new craftables, and a Withered Flesh Flayer Baby decorative plant that can be revitalized and then crafted. Because what player-owned property isn’t complete without something called a Flesh Flayer Baby? Other updates to combat, UI, and more are included as well, which are outlined in the patch notes.