September begins and August ends, which means that once more CIG has an end of month report for Star Citizen’s development as per usual. Peppered throughout the report is information about Pyro developments; the narrative team is working on narrative content for the system, the AI team is working on a mobile vendor that players can buy from and sell to, and the animation team is working on animations for vendors of illegal goods, food, drink, and other items.
The ships section of the report is similarly busy, with progress on both the MISC Hull A and Hull C, further progress on the MISC Starfarer’s refueling functions, updates to the Vulture’s interior, and a final art pass for the Crusader A2 Ares, Crusader Hercules, and the Aegis Redeemer. This section of the report also notes no less than four new unannounced vehicles moving through various stages of the development pipeline.
Finally, the gameplay features section notes work on additional dynamic events such as Jumptown 2.0, while the narrative section also makes mention of preliminary work being done for a new mission type. There is also work being done to add additional text for new missions, dynamic events, and the in-game IAE 2951 showcase event.