
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]


Swords of Legends Online previews its floating house islands

Today's challenge when reading about Swords of Legends Online's housing is to not compare it to some other game where you had a floating...

Classic EverQuest launches a pair of unique progression servers today

Remember way back in April, when Daybreak announced that classic EverQuest was due to get a new progression server? It's still happening. Better yet,...

EVE Online teams up with the University of Iceland to offer an online course about digital friendship

EVE Online is an MMO that has traditionally struggled to reconcile its massive player-led charity efforts and citizen science initiatives with extreme playerbase toxicity...

Project Gorgon’s offline leveling system and new sub are live

On Monday, we covered the news that Elder Game's Project Gorgon, still nestled in early access, was finally reaching the "new stage of the...
Oh look,

World of Warcraft patch 9.1’s test server updates with lore-important early cutscenes that have been datamined

Fairly warned be ye, readers: Spoilers lie ahead for the patch 9.1 storyline in World of Warcraft. Curious about what Helya is up to at...

Lord of the Rings Online tests landscape difficulty slider, ‘significant’ skill adjustments

The on-again, off-again testing of Lord of the Rings Online's Update 30 is back on, and this time Bullroarer has a special surprise preview:...

Elite Dangerous Odyssey links server woes to Fleet Carriers, promises to improve performance and map out an update plan

Frontier Developments' CEO David Braben has once more taken to the forums of Elite: Dangerous to address the community regarding the ongoing problems with...

Echtra washes its hands of Torchlight III as the Cursed Captain arrives

What was once a promising next generation of Torchlight in the MMORPG space ended up fizzling so hard that even its developer is getting...

Wolcen adds new areas and monsters, loot filter improvements, and quality-of-life changes in latest update

Our Not So Massively columnist found the latest additions to Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem to be absolutely worth coming back to the game for,...

Shroud of the Avatar adds young fish, expands The Rise, and opens the Obsidian Panopticon

It's been a little while since we had a peek on what's happening to Shroud of the Avatar, so allow us a moment to...

Fallout 76 patches in fixes for more Locked & Loaded bugs, including multiple exploits

Bugs in Fallout 76: Don't you hate them? No, we're not talking about the kind that you deal with by pumping rounds of ammunition into,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 323: Odyssey, Burning Crusade, and LOTRO

Justin and Bree discuss Elite Dangerous' Odyssey, WoW Classic, Swords of Legends Online, Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, Bless Unleashed, Ashes of Creation, and LOTRO, with adventures in WoW Classic and SWG Legends, plus a mailbag entry on the wild GTAO roleplay revival.
Laser needles.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida talks about future destinations, Endwalker job design, and character dating

It was the first new job revealed for Final Fantasy XIV's upcoming expansion Endwalker, but it turns out that Sage was actually the second job designed...

Epic v Apple: Apple’s CEO ‘has a feel’ about App Store profits but no data, closing arguments are made

The Epic vs. Apple antitrust trial has entered its final stretch, closing out with a big moment for Apple's side of the case as...

A toxic hacker has forced Sony to disable its online Little Big Planet servers

File this one under this is why we can't have nice things: A toxic hacker has apparently forced Sony's Little Big Planet online servers offline....

Riot’s League of Legends MMO: ‘We’re going to make some choices that you may not agree with’

Let this post be your intermittent reminder that, yes, Riot Games is working on an unnamed and not-quite-officially-announced MMORPG. Of some kind. The project...

Star Trek Online concludes its year-long Klingon arc with today’s House United launch on PC

It's launch day over in Star Trek Online, at least if you're happily ensconced on the PC side of the Trek universe, as PWE...
Hope for light.

New World ‘won’t consider selling anything other than cosmetic items until 2022 at the earliest’

Amazon's New World was the subject of much debate this month when a leaker exposed the state of the game's cash shop in the...

EG7 Q1 2021: The Daybreak MMOs are headed to the 4Game platform

The buyout of Daybreak by Swedish games company Enad Global 7 was one of the biggest MMO stories of 2020, and it's remained a...
sky boats

Star Citizen provides a detailed look at the systems that will power AI, dynamic events, and the economy

Fans of Star Citizen got a truly massive info dump thrown on them by way of a recent video from Persistent Universe director Tony...