
Just the facts, as they happen. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Runes of Magic’s Fire Festival lights up the night

The dead middle of winter is never a bad time for a hearty bonfire -- or a fire festival. To keep January lively, Runes...

Phantasy Star Online 2 releases a collab with a mobile RPG and localizes a webcomic

Yep, it's another AC Scratch Ticket collab event for Phantasy Star Online 2. This time, the game is holding hands with Idola Phantasy...

Overwatch celebrates its new Kanezaka map with a player challenge and community tourney

Overwatch is very keen on letting people know that there's a new deathmatch map added to the game. Just in case it slipped anyone's...

MMO Business Roundup: ESA’s PAC, mail criming, Steam by the numbers, and Blizzard charity

Welcome back to another quick roundup of MMO- and MMO-adjacent industry news in our first MMO Business Roundup of 2021! The ESA: The Entertainment Software...

Sea of Thieves discovers a bug that has made an entire week’s worth of player rewards ‘unrecoverable’

Players of Sea of Thieves were reportedly running in to some issues with getting their due rewards during the New Year's holiday. That's bad...

Atlas patches in the ability to tame and ride dolphins

So, is Atlas meant to be a serious nautical simulation? The answer is quite obviously no because the newest patch to the game adds the...

Shadow Arena has replaced its 40-person battle royale mode with a 3v3 arena

Earlier this month, our own PvP columnist Sam Kash delivered a Fight or Kite column on Shadow Arena, the battle royale standalone title spun...

The Repopulation’s latest alpha patch touches on inventory and optimization

It seems strange now, but five or six years ago, The Repopulation was a much-wanted Kickstarted MMORPG, with visual and design roots in sandboxes...

Path of Exile releases the full patch notes, passive tree, and item filter information for Echoes of the Atlas

Once again, it's all about preparing Path of Exile players for that new meta. With the Echoes of the Atlas expansion nearly arriving to...

Cyberpunk 2077 bosses: ‘Don’t fault any of our teams for what happened’

Facing what could turn out to be multiple lawsuits over the disastrous launch of Cyberpunk 2077 and the ensuing financial fallout, CD Projekt Red...

Lord of the Rings Online pulls back from controversial patch changes

Usually when there is some sort of controversial change to Lord of the Rings Online, you can find some fiercely loyal players defending Standing...
Mister Chef.

The Xbox 360 servers for Halo multiplayer will be shutting down at the end of 2021

All right, it's time to face facts. If you've still been playing Halo 3: ODST multiplayer on your now-ancient Xbox 360, that hardware is...

Old School RuneScape refines Soul Wars and releases Ironman versions of God Wars dungeon generals

This week in Old School RuneScape is all about Soul Wars and God Wars. More specifically, it's about making the Soul Wars content more...

Grim Dawn teases Shattered Realm additions as Crate announces new strategy game

Grim Dawn had a pretty good year in 2020, in spite of the ubiquitous challenges facing the world. According to a dev blog from...
Low, low, low.

Prosperous Universe explains the benefits to its Early Access world reset

When Prosperous Universe heads into early access, there's a whole raft of resets incoming to bring the world back to its clean and unsullied state....
Big ego.

EVE Online now makes quantum cores in structures mandatory with latest patch

Got a structure in EVE Online? Then you better make sure it has a quantum core installed in it, otherwise it's going to lose...

The Old Moon Grand Prix horse race begins in Black Desert PC

There's another event happening in Black Desert on PC, which sounds otherwise humdrum considering every update has some event of some sort. However, this...
allors en danse

Blade & Soul kicks off its anniversary event with today’s patch

It's time to celebrate five years of Blade & Soul today with the latest patch, and you know what that means: events. The events kicking off...

Dungeons and Dragons Online heralds a new winter festival

Just because you tossed out the Christmas tree and took down all of the festive decorations doesn't mean you have to settle in for...

The Division 2 and Ubisoft Massive studio tapped to create a Star Wars open world game

When Lucasfilm Games announced its resurgence, we wondered aloud whether Electronic Arts' exclusivity contract to create Star Wars games was set to die on...