
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Well, this is a... something?

TERA has officially moved over to the En Masse launcher on PC

TERA isn't moving anywhere by itself, but its launcher has changed. The game has moved from its dedicated launcher to the En Masse launcher,...

Star Citizen begins early testing for alpha 3.5.1, answers Tumbril Ranger questions, and shows off plants

Hi friends! Would you like to hear more about Star Citizen stuff? Of course you would! And if you don't, make sure to tell...

The Survivalist: What ever happened to the smaller survival sandbox MMOs? Part two

Last week we learned what was up with a number of the smaller survival sandbox MMOs. Sadly, some have faded away, but others are...

EVE Down Under: CCP drops EVE Online’s Invasion expansion trailer

CCP Games is out in force in Australia right now for the third leg of the EVE World Tour, and the topic of choice...
This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: Crazy speculation on turning back the clock for World of Warcraft

There's a game I like to play - wait, no, that's a lie. There's a game I do play called "Oh, I Made Myself Sad."...
Warping shadow.

Final Fantasy XIV releases job action trailer, benchmarks, and 16M player count ahead of Shadowbringers

The gates have not yet been thrown wide for Final Fantasy XIV's third expansion, Shadowbringers, but players can now see what's on the other side pretty...

Nexon’s Alliance vs Empire updates with new dungeon and 150-man PvP mode 100 days post-launch

We don't see many celebrations of 100-day birthdays in MMO land, but hey, any excuse for a party, right? That's what Nexon's doing with...
Hit things.

Path of Exile demonstrates its new Blood and Sand melee skills

You know now that with the Legin update, Path of Exile wants you to hit things. It wants you to hit things a lot, and one...

Fallout 76 teases content coming in the wake of Wild Appalachia

Say what you will about Fallout 76's rocky launch and repeated early bungles, but Bethsoft pumped out so many patches under the Wild Appalachia...
Dinosaur tech.

Star Trek Online is dropping 32-bit support in July

Time marches on, and it seems only appropriate that you cannot spend your time playing a futurist-looking science fiction series like Star Trek Online on...

Guild Wars 2 is planning a big overhaul of attribute-selectable gear

For a flat-progression MMO that wasn't originally designed to be heavily focused on gear, Guild Wars 2 has certainly trended that way in recent...

Final Fantasy XI developers share plans for the future of the game and ongoing development

If you've ever thought to yourself that Final Fantasy XI updates so reliably that it really shouldn't be called a maintenance mode, you're not entirely...

Daybreak is porting DC Universe Online to the Nintendo Switch

This is an unusual place to be getting MMORPG news, but it looks to be legit: Comics website CBR is reporting that DC Universe...

Warframe’s big Jupiter revamp arrives on PC

This is so big and so full of gas it cannot be ignored. And no, we're not just talking about Jupiter itself, which is...

Rogue Server Roundup: Toontown Rewritten, Chronicles of Spellborn, and SWG Legends

Emulators, pshards, rogue servers: Whatever you want to call them, they're buzzing with confidence right now. I mean, we legit got a properly formatted...

The Stream Team: Beginning Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr adventures for real

The Elder Scrolls Online's Elsweyr head start has begun this week, and Massively OP's MJ is ready to make a permanent Khajiit necromancer. Don't...

Blade & Soul Korea teases a new archer class arriving in June

As much fun as magical gun-fu can be with the Blade & Soul Gunslinger, sometimes you want to go back to basics. Back to...

Fortnite and Nike’s Jumpman brand team up for a new LTM

I never would have thought to stir Fortnite and a brand of footwear together, but then again I also never would have thought to...

Closers cranks up the crazy and colorful with the arrival of the Bear Land instance

So evidently there was a new content patch in Closers yesterday and it is... unique, we'll say. Actually, let's just rip the bandage off;...

DC Universe Online previews its revamped Survival Mode

Say you've hit the absolute top tier of content in DC Universe Online; you've gotten through all of the latest episodes, have an immensely...