alpha testing

Palia runs a short weekend ‘player lab’ with a fresh batch of testers

It's been a fairly quiet year for the in-development Palia, as the cozy life sim MMO wrapped up two rounds of alpha testing but...

Here’s what to expect from Star Citizen’s IAE free fly promo starting tomorrow

Try before you buy, whether it's a new shiny spaceship (with in-game or real world currency) or a starter pack! That's the primary thrust...

Star Citizen is all about its vehicles as the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo free fly event draws near

This Friday is a big deal for Star Citizen, especially if all of the excited flailing and screeching out of CIG is anything to...

Fallout 76 makes further changes to battle bots, expeditions, and weapons in the PTS

The public testing of Fallout 76 continues, primarily to refine its December Nuka World on Tour update, but that doesn't mean the rest of...

Star Citizen deep-dives alpha 3.18’s racing features and courses

Last week, the devs of Star Citizen used half of its weekly Inside Star Citizen video digest to talk about a couple of the...
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Betawatch: BitCraft sets November 18 as its next pre-alpha date

Darn it, BitCraft, this column is called "Betawatch." Stop throwing around terms like "pre-alpha testing" like that's something that should be public-facing. It's unpleasant!...

Pantheon Rise of the Fallen looks back at 2022’s dev progress, continues to vaguely promise more pre-alpha

We're not even done with this year yet, but that isn't going to stop the devs of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen from taking...

Star Citizen remarks on outposts and Pyro stations, showcases more new spaceship racetracks

Star Citizen's alpha 3.18 draws ever closer as it angles for a December release, so it would be unsurprising to learn that most of...
Touch wood.

BitCraft dates next pre-alpha test for November 18, promises changes to movement, fishing, and farming

The month of November is bringing a little something for lucky BitCraft fans, as the game's latest address has outlined dates for its next...

Star Citizen answers player questions about cargo in an AMA

Alpha 3.18 of Star Citizen is going all in on being Space FedEx with its big boxy cargo refactor update, and now that players...

EVE Online’s Uprising update will try to fight high sec griefing and circumvention of abyssal space risk

While there are certainly some big spotlight items coming to EVE Online in its November 8th Uprising expansion, there are other updates planned for...

Betawatch: Ilysia pretties up its visuals as it advances in beta

How pretty do you want your Ilysia? The designers are hoping the answer is "quite pretty" as they work on prettying up the game...

Star Citizen’s alpha 3.18 will make space truck explosions a more persistent mess with its cargo refactor

If one of your favorite things to do is go space truckin' in Star Citizen, then you'll want to pay attention to this week's...

Nightingale discusses its first closed alpha, character progression, and building system in new video

If seeing Nightingale reference its realm card mechanic for the umpteenth time has gotten to you, then you'll be happy to note that the...

Star Citizen outlines work done for CitizenCon, alpha 3.18, and Arena Commander in October dev report

Star Citizen is checking back in once again with its customary monthly development report for October, which by and large focuses on things that...

Ilysia showcases a variety of visual upgrades as development focuses on the beta build

Last month we took a moment to check in on Ilysia, the VR MMO being developed by Team 21 Studio, as it recently talked...

Profane devs discuss dummies, elements, houses, maps, and alpha roadmap progress

Followers of the FFA PvP sandbox Profane have had plenty of infodumps to chew on and mull over this past summer - if they're...

Star Citizen begins spooling up hype for its next IAE free fly event, talks mission updates with the devs

The Interstellar Aerospace Expo, otherwise known as the big ticket free fly event from Star Citizen, has confirmed a calendar date: Friday, November 18th....

Video montage reminds fans that Star Citizen has been promising ship subsystem features for eight years

The Power Play presentation from Star Citizen's CitizenCon 2022 offered a demonstration of capital ship subsystems like power, gravity, and life support being futzed...

Ashes of Creation allows players to harvest any tree, rock, or bush in the world

After testing through Ashes of Creation's first alpha and scouting out what other MMOs are up to, Intrepid Studios is making a few significant...