
The Stream Team: Looking at Legends of Aria’s closed beta

Alpha is but a memory from the past -- Legends of Aria has moved on to closed beta. That means Massively OP's MJ needs...

Fractured’s Kickstarter stretch goals include a dungeon crawler inside an asteroid

Sitting at about 80% funded with under a week to go, Fractured's Kickstarter campaign may come down to the wire in the end. Even...

Temtem discusses Kickstarter backer rewards, November PC alpha, and 2019 early access

If you backed Temtem's successful Kickstarter, now is the time to collect at least some of your rewards. Spanish developer Crema has posted up...

Saga of Lucimia updates its four-year-old grouping manifesto

It's a little strange to consider that Saga of Lucimia has been around in development for four years now, but that's the gestation period...

Chronicles of Elyria starts to pull its game systems together for a full-featured alpha

Chronicles of Elyria is starting to take all of the pieces that it has been crafting for its ambitious fantasy MMO and pull them...

Fallout 76 doesn’t want to be labeled as ‘survival,’ shows off emote wheel

What is Fallout 76? Even Bethesda doesn't seem to have a clear grasp on terminology to label it, avoiding both the MMO and survival...
Oh, right.

Haven and Hearth might look simple, but there’s an ocean of crafting goodness under its surface

Every once in a while here at Massively OP we like to highlight a game that might have flown under pretty much everyone's radar...

Fractured pivots from global to regional servers as it pushes toward its Kickstarter goal

Quite often, you hear MMO gamers lament that their communities are artificially separated into different servers, with all of the problems that that entails....

Colony simulation MMO Seed blasts you into space in its brand-new pre-alpha teaser

We've been keeping an eye on Klang Games' MMO Seed since at least last year, when the studio revealed its single-shard simulation mechanics and...

Camelot Unchained nears beta as its crash rate drops to ‘acceptable’ levels

"From what we've seen so far, we're in really good shape." Mark Jacobs hasn't given us a firm start date for Camelot Unchained's Beta 1...
But we should really not let these guys off the hook for talking big.

Ashes of Creation’s subreddit has been taken over by Intrepid Studios

Concern and alarm has been raised among the Ashes of Creation community this past week as four members of Intrepid Studios, including CEO Steven...

Reign of Guilds shows off environments, castles, and magic in latest dev blog

The latest dev blog for Russian indie dev Atlant Games's upcoming Reign of Guilds has a veritable smorgasbord of detailed information about various facets...

Global Chat: Looking back at World of Warcraft’s Legion

Now that the next World of Warcraft expansion is almost upon us, it's time to say farewell to Legion and all that that entails....
You are not the real thing.

Betawatch: Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen kicks off character creation (July 13, 2018)

It's important in an MMO to feel like you own the bundle of stats and spells that you lovingly refer to as a character....

Blossom and Decay offers emergent narrative in an anything-goes sandbox

In the market for a full-loot, retro-themed MMO sandbox? Your specific tastes may be satiated by Blossom and Decay, an up-and-coming MMOARPG that will...
Look, chairs!

Identity’s town module — with player housing — is about ready to go live

While the idea of a mere "town square" taking up the total landscape for an upcoming MMO test might seem small, that's only the...

The Stream Team: Working through Outpost Zero pirate invasions

Massively OP's MJ can't seem to get much base building done in Outpost Zero because she keeps being interrupted by rude pirates! She's not...

Pantheon rolls out the first iteration of its character creation system

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's pre-alpha test continues to progress forward, as the team just patched in the first version of the MMO's character...

Interviewing Frostkeep’s CEO as Rend announces July 31 early access

Are you looking for a new way to survive? It's coming. We've watched as Rend wandered down its closed alpha path since May, but...

Ashes of Creation handles world persistence and local economies in its own fashion

With a rapidly expanding studio and Alpha One coming later this year, Ashes of Creation is shaping up to be one of the great...