
Scenes from Saga of Lucimia’s alpha

This past Saturday, Saga of Lucimia held an alpha test for people who are not you. We're trusting that you're not the game's developers,...
Darn it, Tad Williams, why.

Betawatch: You may completely believe that Otherland is back on Steam (April 1, 2016)

Yes, we've all had fun with today's joke, but you can probably 100% believe the fact that Otherland is back on Steam after a...

First you’ll be shocked, then you’ll be inspired by these MU Legend class videos

There are so many MU games these days that we wouldn't blame you if you lost track of them all. In addition to MU...

Atlas Reactor’s Oz will restore your faith in humanity

Yesterday Trion Worlds' turn-based PvP title Atlas Reactor launched a special open alpha event for the world at large. The limited-time test is meant...

City of Titans takes MMO player retention cue from the hospitality industry

The city in City of Titans is more than a soulless backdrop; to its developers, the metropolis is "a vibrant, living organism" that can...

WoW’s latest Legion build includes Brewmaster spec, new class hall campaigns

Last night's World of Warcraft Legion alpha patch is a small one on the whole, but Monk players will be pleased: the Brewmaster spec...

Worlds Adrift details the dangers of its weather walls

In most MMOs, weather is merely a variable environment cosmetic. Whether it's rainy, sunny, or snowy, the only difference to the player is visibility...

Darkfall: New Dawn explains its decision to reboot

Are you confused over why a small PvP MMO like Darkfall would ever warrant a reboot, nevermind two? Or why these competing reboots wouldn't...

Sub-based survival MMORPG The Skies hits Steam early access next week

Survival MMORPG The Skies is launching what developer Eforb is calling closed Steam early access next week on April 8th, with an open early...

Star Citizen’s Erin Roberts: ‘Persistence is very close’

The latest edition of Star Citizen's 10 for the Chairman stars not Chris Roberts himself but Global Head of Production and Foundry 42 Studio...
Can't stop won't stop.

Das Tal offers an update on the state of its March alpha test

It's a known fact that accomplishments during an alpha test don't carry over to the launch game. That's just a given. But that hasn't...

Atlas Reactor’s open alpha kicks off on March 31

Trion announced today that the open alpha for its turn-based sci-fi PvP action game Atlas Reactor will begin later this week. "Everyone’s invited to play in...

Saga of Lucimia’s next public build is coming in April

Now that Saga of Lucimia has emerged from the dark age of development, the team is proving to be quite communicative about the game's...

Betawatch: Crowfall’s Ranger surprise (March 25, 2016)

The Crowfall team has stated its plans to release the Siege Perilous update this month for testers, and the Ranger archetype was originally scheduled...
No top guns here.

Star Citizen’s latest Around the Verse covers the parts of the game and the availability of ships

If you're eagerly awaiting Star Citizen's next major version update, you can take heart that it's on its way. The latest issue of Around...

Eternal Crusade expands battle maps to 64 players, introduces stronghold mode

To war! To victory! To patching! The battle cry has gone out for Eternal Crusade founders, who can now download and try out the game's...
It's the circle of something, anyway.

Gloria Victis adds new exile islands and smoother new player experience

Being a griefing jerk is an option in Gloria Victis, but it's not supposed to be a terribly attractive one. The most recent update...

Greed Monger’s development comes to the ‘end of the road’

Not that you've been holding onto incredible hope that Greed Monger would somehow see a revival after an extremely troubled development cycle, but you...

Step up and get your first look at Pokémon Go

Gotta catch them all? If you ever felt like the handheld worlds in the Pokémon games were ultimately too small, then get ready for...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 56: Ghillie nation

Justin and Bree discuss Black Desert, Marvel Heroes, The Division, VR, Landmark, Crowfall, EVE, and Tree of Savior, with mailbag questions on pay-to-win and Black Desert hype.